Getting Rid of Reflux Is Easy!

Guess what! My client went from regular use of PPIs for chronic reflux to total elimination in just 3 months by working with me. Want to know how? Join my limited-time free class to learn how we achieved her health goals.

The Secret Ingredient for Healing Chronic Health Issues

A concept that comes up often in my healing journey is my critical and judgemental nature which I continually work to change. Blame, disappointment, focusing on the negative, and guilt are all emotions I have grown up with. I have learned not reconciling with these emotions has “fed” my health issues. So how do we meet these feelings to heal inflammation, reflux, and digestive issues?

A Plant with Lung Power

Although I tend to focus a lot of my plant features on the digestive and nervous system, there is one special plant that has come up a lot in my healing journey and with clients lately. As digestive health often melts into difficulties with other systems in the body I thought it important to discuss this beauty. MULLEIN, botanical name: Verbascum thapsus.....

When life throws you lemons

How do you react? What do you do? How you react will impact how you digest life and in turn food. Let me explain...

A KEY factor for gut healing, cleansing, and detoxing!

So I was sitting with a client the other day and our topic was alkaline, watery, fiber rich, and whole foods. Although she was feeling great, after just 2 weeks of working together, we wanted to add more support for sustained healthy living. ...

Quieting the Monster Inside AKA the Over-Eater!

Emotions and Stress and how we handle them play a HUGE role in gut health. I posted on Instagram about using Emotional Freedom Tapping...

Magnolia Magic for the Gut and more!

Are you someone who suffers from low stomach acid and use apple cider vinegar to kick start your digestion? Well how about a medicinal...

Violet for Digestion, Heart Health, and More!

Check out the link for the full video. Be sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube to keep it going and receive updates when new videos are uploaded!

Health Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil is a medium chain fatty acid. It is found in coconut oil but MCT oil is more concentrated and high in MCTs. Coconut oil
is a source...

Flower Essences: A Homeopathic Way to Use Plants for Healing Emotionally and Beyond.

Did you know that emotions are the primary way I work with clients to help them heal their gut? How we digest food is often about how we digest...

Prebiotic Tea Blend for Gut Health

This is a magical tea that includes carminative herbs that soothe gas and bloating, prebiotic herbs that feed good bacteria, herbs that soothe...

Qi Gong Quick Flow

Qi gong is something I love to do in the mornings and when my energy is slumped. You can do it in bursts. It doesn't have to be an hour workout...

What's Cookin? A Tasty Gluten Free Bread Recipe for you!

Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Total Time Serves: 1 loaf Ingredients: 1.5 cups buckwheat flour 1 cup coconut flour 2...

Cranberry Probiotic Rich Veggie Kraut

Ingredients: · 1 head white cabbage shredded (if small include 2 heads) · 1 head purple cabbage shredded (if small include...

Ghee. Why It's so Important!

Ghee is clarified butter. You can make your own easily or buy it. What I love about ghee is that it has so many health benefits. Ghee is the highest known...

Why you Need to Get your Vagus Nerve Up and Running!

The vagus nerve, the 10th cranial nerve begins at the brain stem and wanders down to almost every organ system in the body as you can see pictured...


I love Ayurveda. It just makes sense to me, these teachings from thousands of years ago bring so much light and awareness to my life. One of...

The Deets on Meat!!

Many people are loving high protein diets because protein digests slowly unlike refined carbohydrates, doesn’t trigger excess insulin production...

The Incredible Edible Egg

Ever wonder why some eggs are more orange or yellow than others? Ever eat a fried egg in Europe and revel in just how orange their yolks are? This...

Why all carbs aren't bad! See our video to find out!

Recipe for Russian Potato Salad Ingredients: - 2 boiled potatoes chopped - 2 hard-boiled eggs chopped - 1/2 bunch chopped dill - 1/2 can...

Lime water, lemon water, and coffee...the down low

The Fire Storm that my Ice Cream Created

A Tisket a Tasket, What's in Melanie's Basket?

Excited to see what is in my wild salad? Why eat wild? Because weeds have way more nutrients than cultivated food and they are resilient. Wouldn't yo...

Is it just for pesto? NO WAY check out Basil's power!

Excited to see what is in my wild salad? Why eat wild? Because weeds have way more nutrients than cultivated food and they are resilient. Wouldn't yo...

We've Moved to a New Location and Continue to Work with Clients Virtually or in Person

410 Millstone Dr, Hillsborough, NC 27278

© 2020 by Root 2 Rise Wellness LLC. All rights reserved

© 2020 by Root 2 Rise Wellness LLC. All rights reserved