Herbal Medicine Makers Course


Join us for a 6 class series filled with amazing plant information and goodies to take home!

Herbalicious Explorations:

Classes for All Ages


Each herbal immersion will include:

  • A guided plant walk

  • Medicine to take home (apart from wild food making day where we take home plants instead)

  • Receive detailed notes on plants we discuss in class including handouts on preparations we make with resources to further your knowledge.

  • Preparations to take home include flower essence making, tincture making, vinaigrettes and oxymels, wild food preparations, glycerite making, and oil and salve making.

  • Learn how to identify and prepare edible wild food so you can survive the next apocalypse!

  • Enjoy creating, preparing, and sipping on medicinal herbal tea from natures wonders.

  • Enjoy all of this in a picturesque setting of 112 acre non-sprayed eco-village land in Mebane, NC.

All this plus:

All adult participants receive a free 1 hour consultation with Melanie if scheduled within the 6 months of the course. If you have a health problem you would like to solve and interested in holistic natural solutions this is for you! Melanie will provide a roadmap for how she would solve your problems and with what tools.

More Details:

Herbal Forager and Medicine Makers Course

Ages 12 to adult:

Course of 6 Half-day Sessions

Including all materials and take home herbal preparations for each participant.

Class Dates: (All on Sundays) March 30th, April 13th, May 18th, June 29th, September 28th, October 26th

Time and Location:

1PM to 5PM at Common Ground Eco Village, Mebane, NC

5797 Daisy Evans Gunn Trail, Mebane, NC 27302

Half-day herbal retreats will run rain or shine unless dangerous weather. A make up will be offered in such case. There are no refunds unless cancelled by Melanie.

All sessions will include:

  • Connection time with other participants

  • A plant walk learning about medicinal and edible plants.

  • Medicine or plants to take home in each half-day retreat!

  • Receive detailed emailed notes on plants discussed and a handout detailing medicinal or edible plant preparations.

  • Each herbal immersion contains a detailed plant preparation focus with class breakdown below.

  • Sipping on delicious hand crafted delicious medicinal tea and/or herbal mocktails in each session!

  • Session descriptions are subject to change based on plant availability.

  • Connection time with each others

  • A plant walk learning about medicinal and edible plants.

  • Medicine or plants to take home in each class!

  • Each class contains a detailed plant preparation focus with class breakdown below.

  • Sipping on delicious hand crafted delicious medicinal tea and/or herbal mocktails in each class!

  • Class descriptions are subject to change based on plant availability.

General Session Outline:

March 30th

Wild Food Extravaganza. We will make a wild food feast so come hungry! Plant walk to learn about edible plants and identification, detailed handouts, and medicinal tea during class included.

April 13th

It's time to learn about medicinal oil and salve making. Melanie will demo oil preparations and each participant will take a healing ointment home for wounds and bruises. Plant walk, handouts, and medicinal tea during class included.

May 18th

Participants will learn all about flower essences which are used for emotional well being and balance. Take a hand crafted dosage preparation home along with a stock bottle to continue making it on your own. This is a beautiful plant connection class. Detailed notes, plant walk, and medicinal tea during class included.

June 29th

We will hand craft a medicinal vinaigrette preparation home and learn about oxymels while creating one together to enjoy. Learn about mineral rich plants during our plant walk, plant notes, and preparation handouts included.

September 28th

It's tincture making time. Participants will learn the art of making an alcohol extract using medicinal plants and take home your own tincture. Plant walk and medicinal tea included along with noshing on some plant friends.

October 26th

Enjoy some American persimmon on this plant walk. We will make a tasty and sweet Tulsi glycerite medicine to take home and learn different glycerite preparation methods. Learn which plants are better suited for glycerite making and how glycerin is used in medicine making.

March 30th

Wild Food Extravaganza. We will make a wild food feast so come hungry! Plant walk to learn about edible plants and identification, detailed handouts, and medicinal tea during class included.

April 13th

It's time to learn about medicinal oil and salve making. Melanie will demo oil preparations and each participant will take a healing ointment home for wounds and bruises. Plant walk, handouts, and medicinal tea during class included.

May 18th

Participants will learn all about flower essences which are used for emotional well being and balance. Take a hand crafted dosage preparation home along with a stock bottle to continue making it on your own. This is a beautiful plant connection class. Detailed notes, plant walk, and medicinal tea during class included.

June 29th

We will hand craft a medicinal vinaigrette preparation home and learn about oxymels while creating one together to enjoy. Learn about mineral rich plants during our plant walk, plant notes, and preparation handouts included.

September 28th

It's tincture making time. Participants will learn the art of making an alcohol extract using medicinal plants and take home your own tincture. Plant walk and medicinal tea included along with noshing on some plant friends.

October 26th

Enjoy some American persimmon on this plant walk. We will make a tasty and sweet Tulsi glycerite medicine to take home and learn different glycerite preparation methods. Learn which plants are better suited for glycerite making and how glycerin is used in medicine making.


6 half-day retreat series including all materials plus 1 hour sit-down with Melanie (valued at $150).

$540 per person

Single half-day retreats including that day's materials

$97 per person

If attending partial sessions, please specify which date(s) you will attend on the registration form. Registration for single herbal retreats closes 15 days before that date.


Interested but Can't Attend this Course? Complete an Interest Form Below

Melanie’s History With Plants:

I remember sitting in the library as a child listening to a story, Strega Nona; a book literally meaning “Grandma Witch”. She sings a magic song to stop pasta from overtaking a town. She was known for her healing and medicine making abilities. That girl, me, has grown but still connects with this character. Like Strega Nona I am a witch of sorts, conjuring up medicine and cooking neat and new foods.

Another defining memory I have is harvesting dandelion leaves at camp and making a melted cheese to go on them. Today you can find me making dandelion pasta, fritters, or making dandelion deviled eggs. Recently when I was asked what plant exemplifies me I said dandelion because it is resilient, powerful, and has so much unknown and enormous abilities to heal. These were the early signs that I am a nature and earth child but as an adult things changed.

I had become very disconnected from myself and nature for years. By 2013 I had become very sick with digestive, hormonal, and anxiety issues from years of living in disharmony internally and with the world around me. One month after undergoing a 4 hour procedure to have a large fibroid removed, I dropped my job in New York and everything I knew; I headed to Israel on a one way ticket determined to change my life. I ended up living in a refurbished chicken coop with strangers as we embarked on a journey to learn about plants together. In this wild and rich experience I learned lessons of independence, freedom, connection, my familial roots, strength and so much more.

That little girl who loved cooking sets and flower pressing has grown into teaching others about plant magic. I believe it is my purpose and mission to be a vessel for learning and connecting people of all ages to their roots, to nature, to live in harmony with the planet, and work through unhealthy patterns.

Root 2 Rise Wellness was founded on this premise. I teach the wonders of the plant world and that we can all grow and evolve together aligned with nature.

The plant lover in me honors the plant lover in you,


Melanie’s History With Plants:

I remember sitting in the library as a child listening to a story, Strega Nona; a book literally meaning “Grandma Witch”. She sings a magic song to stop pasta from overtaking a town. She was known for her healing and medicine making abilities. That girl, me, has grown but still connects with this character. Like Strega Nona I am a witch of sorts, conjuring up medicine and cooking neat and new foods.

Another defining memory I have is harvesting dandelion leaves at camp and making a melted cheese to go on them. Today you can find me making dandelion pasta, fritters, or making dandelion deviled eggs. Recently when I was asked what plant exemplifies me I said dandelion because it is resilient, powerful, and has so much unknown and enormous abilities to heal. These were the early signs that I am a nature and earth child but as an adult things changed.

I had become very disconnected from myself and nature for years. By 2013 I had become very sick with digestive, hormonal, and anxiety issues from years of living in disharmony internally and with the world around me. One month after undergoing a 4 hour procedure to have a large fibroid removed, I dropped my job in New York and everything I knew; I headed to Israel on a one way ticket determined to change my life. I ended up living in a refurbished chicken coop with strangers as we embarked on a journey to learn about plants together. In this wild and rich experience I learned lessons of independence, freedom, connection, my familial roots, strength and so much more.

That little girl who loved cooking sets and flower pressing has grown into teaching others about plant magic. I believe it is my purpose and mission to be a vessel for learning and connecting people of all ages to their roots, to nature, to live in harmony with the planet, and work through unhealthy patterns.

Root 2 Rise Wellness was founded on this premise. I teach the wonders of the plant world and that we can all grow and evolve together aligned with nature.

The plant lover in me honors the plant lover in you,


Nervous System Education, Lavender Spritzer

Plant Ally, Plantain

Herbalicious Explorations:

for Ages 12 to adult

Connecting people to their roots, nature, and healthy practices through conscious community

Sample Video from a Previous Kids Class



"Melanie's Kitchen Medicinal Herb class was informative, tasty, fun and relaxing. I very much enjoyed my evening with a very knowledgeable teacher and look forward to using new techniques and herbal remedies in my daily life now. "

-Cathy K, Durham, NC

"I have really enjoyed taking part in Melanie's virtual plant talk workshops. Melanie's knowledge of plant medicine and how to forage for edibles is extensive and her enthusiasm infectious! Her upbeat personality and passion for plants makes the workshops both engaging and fun to take part in. I highly recommend her classes to anyone with an interest in learning more about plant intelligence and who would like to connect with other plant lovers. Melanie has a hands- on approach and demonstrates different techniques for making herbal infusions, tinctures, lotions and potions during the workshops. I have loved being part of this friendly and informative plant community. "

-Shona - Scotland

"I liked how [the elderberry workshop] was fun and engaging."

-Ryan 12 years old, Newtown Connecticut

"A very accessible and rewarding workshop. Melanie helps you to feel welcome, empowered, and you leave with a feeling of connection and practical knowledge. Thank you!"

-Jamie , Mebane, NC

"Melanie's passion and knowledge on this topic made it come alive for me! "

-Lindy, Mebane, NC

"This was a very interesting and informative workshop with good hands-on experiencing of the plants and lots of specific information, plus follow-up notes offered."

-Brian, Mebane

"Melanie's Kitchen Medicinal Herb class was informative, tasty, fun and relaxing. I very much enjoyed my evening with a very knowledgeable teacher and look forward to using new techniques and herbal remedies in my daily life now. "

-Cathy K, Durham, NC

"I have really enjoyed taking part in Melanie's virtual plant talk workshops. Melanie's knowledge of plant medicine and how to forage for edibles is extensive and her enthusiasm infectious! Her upbeat personality and passion for plants makes the workshops both engaging and fun to take part in. I highly recommend her classes to anyone with an interest in learning more about plant intelligence and who would like to connect with other plant lovers. Melanie has a hands- on approach and demonstrates different techniques for making herbal infusions, tinctures, lotions and potions during the workshops. I have loved being part of this friendly and informative plant community. "

-Shona - Scotland

"I liked how [the elderberry workshop] was fun and engaging."

-Ryan 12 years old, Newtown Connecticut

"A very accessible and rewarding workshop. Melanie helps you to feel welcome, empowered, and you leave with a feeling of connection and practical knowledge. Thank you!"

-Jamie , Mebane, NC

"Melanie's passion and knowledge on this topic made it come alive for me! "

-Lindy, Mebane, NC

"This was a very interesting and informative workshop with good hands-on experiencing of the plants and lots of specific information, plus follow-up notes offered."

-Brian, Mebane, NC

We've Moved to a New Location and Continue to Work with Clients Virtually or in Person

410 Millstone Dr, Hillsborough, NC 27278

© 2020 by Root 2 Rise Wellness LLC. All rights reserved

© 2020 by Root 2 Rise Wellness LLC. All rights reserved