About Me

I empower women with digestive issues to create balance and harmony in the body, tap into the body’s inherent wisdom and ability to digest foods, to lead fearless, joyful, and confident lives.

"High -Vibe, Whole- Body Wellness"

In 2007 I was diagnosed with IBS and so began my journey of restrictive dieting, supplements galore, and
going from doctors to nutritionists to healers of all kinds to help me, but really my issues started well before 2007. As a child, I had constant rashes and immune issues, and I developed insomnia in high school. I grew dangerously close to not sleeping through college, to the point of hallucinating.

I have much better sleep now and continue to improve with my health.

What I have learned from my journey has led me to my core beliefs. Although eliminating foods would result in fewer symptoms my digestive issues weren’t going away. Could there be something spiritual or karmic that wasn’t allowing me to let go of my issues? What was really going on here? I have come to realize that being a perfectionist, highly -driven, work and goal- oriented, self-critical, constantly going, anxious, negative thinker was leading to guilt and shame which were my real root causes. The journey to change my mind-set, and my relationship with myself and with food has been leading me towards true healing and inner peace.

Melanie’s Core Beliefs

  • Diseases that present themselves are a result of how we digest life.

  • Chronic issues all carry an emotional component that needs to be addressed, and we need the tools to learn how to tap into these emotions.

  • It isn’t the stress or the disease that is the problem, but rather our reaction to it that is most important.

  • Plants and nature have much wisdom and hold a lot of the answers for feeling whole.

  • The body knows how to come back into balance when provided with the right supports.

  • The mind is a powerful force for healing as long as we know how to use it wisely.

  • My role is to support you in being your own healer, by providing you with the tools and guidance for you to help yourself.

  • Daily routine practices we put in place for healing the mind, body, and spirit will be more important than any single diet or supplement because these are grounding practices.

Her Trainings Include

  • Masters in Speech and Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University (May 2007) - Pediatric Speech Pathologist for 16 years

  • Integrative Health Coach training completion by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (January, 2013).

  • Israel School of Herbal Medicine: 5-month live-in training in foundational herbal medicine. (Aviezer, Israel, 2014).

  • Moondance Botanicals: 3 month training in apothecary natural product making. (Denver, CO, 2018)

  • Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism: certificate in Botany completed including skills in positive plant identification, wild-crafting ethics, sustainable harvesting and preservation techniques 68 hours (Lafayette, CO, June 2019).

  • Twin Star Herbal Apothecary Apprenticeship and Mentorship. 6 month study (600 hours of study) including apothecary work, product and medicine making and class attendance in various herbal medicine preparation and training courses (New Milford, CT, December 2019).

  • Twin Star Training in Shamonic Healing and Spirit Medicine. 75 hours earned in practices of ancestral connection, primitive skills, and the five directions (north, south, east, west, and the above) (New Milford, CT, December 2019).

  • Twin Star Flower Essence Practitioner Certification: (Connecticut and Punta Uva, Costa Rica, March 2020).

  • Northeast School of Botanical Medicine Weekend Herbalism Program: 7 intensive weekends (100 hour program) focused on plant identification and clinical herbalism skills (Ithaca, NY, November 2020).

  • Completion of Shift Network Course on Ayurveda for Strengthening your Immune System, Mind, Body, and Soul (September 2020)

  • Completion of Shift Network Course on Tap into Your Vagus Nerve's Healing Power To Rewire your Nervous System for Optimal Health (September 2021)

  • Body By Breath Immersion Course (18 credits of vagus nerve education and breath work) provided by Jill Miller from Tune Up Fitness (November 2023)

  • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Course by Thomas Easely from Eclectic Botanica (10 hours) December 2023

Now it’s my turn to share the secrets from what I have learned with you!

Click the link below and get our Masterclass on How to Beat Reflux Naturally! Learn the top plants to banish Reflux for good. Available for a LIMITED TIME!

Ready to apply to join our Gut Revive Program? 

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410 Millstone Dr, Hillsborough, NC 27278

© 2020 by Root 2 Rise Wellness LLC. All rights reserved

© 2020 by Root 2 Rise Wellness LLC. All rights reserved